Things to Know before Getting Contact Lens

things-to-know-before-getting-contact-lensGlasses are cool and a delight, but it has their disadvantages. While still waiting for the day you win the lottery or be announced heir to a billion dollars and finally be able to undergo the Lasik eye procedure, one way to bring back your eyesight temporarily and affordably is through contact lenses.

But wait. Before you rush to an ophthalmologist in Ridgewood, New York, to get your contact lenses.

Know these things:

  • First, there are non-medical and medical contact lenses. And these medical contact lenses are considered medical devices that Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates.
  • Second, your contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions are two different matters, but they correlate. Thus, if you have your glasses, bring them for your contact lens consultation and the other way around. How? Well, you better visit a specialist for eye care in New Yorkand the ophthalmologist will explain this.
  • Third, like glasses, contact lenses are customized to your eye’s needs. Thus, no sharing. Besides, it would be unsanitary to share and swap lenses with others, like a tube of lipgloss. This sharing can cause you other eye problems.
  • Fourth, don’t wear contact lenses not prescribed by an ophthalmologist. It may be fun to try to have different colored irises, but since you will be wearing something in direct contact with your cornea. The wrong contact lenses may worsen your eyesight.

We offer different contact lens services at Visual Ophthalmology Services, P.C. Our services include regular contact lenses, Orthokeratology, Medically Necessary Contact Lenses, Scleral Lenses, and more. This is our way of achieving our mission to provide quality eye care service to every person who comes to us.

Visit our ophthalmology clinic in Elmhurst, New York, to get a consultation on your contact lenses.

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