Practical Ways in Taking Care of Eyesight


Our senses are our interface with the outside world. When one sense fails, the other senses must step in to help. An Ophthalmology Clinic in Elmhurst, New York believes that this is one of the reasons why the eyes play a significant role in our life.

We can see the world around us, work and earn a living, and interact with our loved ones with good eyesight. Ophthalmologist in Ridgewood, New York follow the following practical guidelines when it comes to eye care:

  • Consider wearing eyewear to protect your eyes from the sun

    Sunlight and UV radiation can cause cornea sunburn that raises your risk of age-related macular degeneration. Hats and caps are also acceptable.

  • Take frequent screen breaks

    Eye doctors recommend taking a 20-minute break every 20 minutes if your job requires you to use a computer or mobile device.

  • Stop Smoking
    Smoking cessation or complete cessation can save you time and money on doctor visits while also preventing you from losing your vision.
  • Get a regular eye exam and wear prescribed eye glasses

    If you already wear glasses or have other vision problems, you may need to see your eye doctor once a year.

Visual Ophthalmology Services, P.C., the leading provider of eye care in New York believes that eyesight should not be taken for granted and should be taken care of at all times.

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