Eye care should start at a young age. If we don’t pay attention to kids, they could strain...

A lot of people don’t clean their lenses properly. You put these on your eyes, which is why...

Our eyes are easily irritated. When this happens, stop yourself from scratching it or touching...

Eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in Vitamin A, like broccoli and carrots, can help...

One of the complications of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy. Since high blood sugar affects...

When was the last time you had your eyes checked? Pop-in our clinic for a test because that...

Our eyes have to be checked at least once every year. This is the time to check our eye grade...

Most kids experience eye accidents. Whether it’s a pencil-poking incident or too much...

As we age, it’s normal to develop cataracts. However, you don’t need to stick with the...