- WebMDwww.webmd.com
- Mayo Clinicwww.mayoclinic.com
- The National Eye Institutewww.nei.nih.gov
- The American Foundation for the Blindwww.afb.org
- The American Academy of Ophthalmologywww.aao.org
- The American Optometric Associationwww.aoa.org
- The National Library Service for the Blind and Visually Handicappedwww.loc.gov/nls
- The Glaucoma Research Foundationwww.glaucoma.org
- Macular Degeneration Foundationwww.eyesight.org
- American Diabetes Associationwww.diabetes.org
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Internationalwww.jdrf.org
- Prevent Blindness Americawww.preventblindness.org