This is a very common ongoing condition of the eyelid margins of both eyes where inflammation of the oily glands within the upper and lower eyelids causes redness, itching, and dry eye symptoms. It is associated with skin bacteria, rosacea of the face, and, in some cases, Demodex infestations. Unfortunately, treatment of this condition requires regular lid cleaning/hygiene techniques to minimize symptoms. Other standard treatments include lid massage, warm compresses, eye lubrication, eye antibiotics, steroid creams, and, occasionally, oral antibiotics. Tea tree oil preparations (50% dilution) are used for Demodex, and newer treatment options, including steam and laser treatments, are emerging.

This is a swelling of oil glands in the eyelid, usually due to a blocked duct. Symptoms of a chalazion occur when the eyelid becomes swollen, irritated, or red or when a painless swelling develops on or under the eyelid. A chalazion that is large enough can rub against the eyeball, causing irritation or, rarely, vision changes. Chalazion occurs for unknown reasons but is most common in people with rosacea and blepharitis. Treatment may involve applying a warm compress to the eyelid several times a day. Even without treatment, a chalazion usually disappears after several months. If it persists, a doctor may inject a corticosteroid or incise and drain the module surgically.

A stye is an infection of one of the three types of eyelid glands located at the base of the lashes. Usually caused by bacterial staphylococcal infections, the symptoms of a stye include pain and inflammation of one or more regions near the eyelid margin. Applying warm compresses for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, three to four times a day, can be effective. Sometimes, topical antibiotics may be prescribed. If the stye persists, your eye doctor may choose to drain the stye through a small incision.

Ptosis (Droopy eyelid)
Ptosis can have several causes. In patients with diabetes or high blood pressure the droop may be caused by the paralysis of the nerve that supplies the muscles of the upper eyelid. Separation or stretching of the eyelid muscle where it connects to the eyelid, or an eye injury, can also result in eyelid droop. Some people may experience obstruction of vision as well as headache and fatigue from overexerting brow muscles. Persons experiencing such symptoms may need surgery for relief.
Eyelid Edema (swelling)
Swelling of the eyelids can range from minor to severe and can have many underlying causes. In some cases, swollen eyelids may be a sign of a more serious health problem that could cause vision loss.
Your eye doctor will identify the cause of your swollen eyelid.
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