Dry Eyes: Ways to Attain Relief


Your eyes naturally lubricate themselves by blinking multiple times in a minute. But due to health conditions or external, environmental factors, your eyes may become or feel dry, which can cause discomfort and irritation. And yes, despite how seemingly harmless dry eyes may be, it can actually lead to more complications when left untreated.

Are you experiencing dry eyes lately? If so, here are ways to attain relief according to an ophthalmologist in Ridgewood, New York:

  • Incorporate Moisture into the Air.

    Dry eyes can be caused by the lack of moisture in the air. To incorporate more moisture into the air and prevent and relieve dry eyes, using a humidifier may be an excellent choice.

  • Drink More Water.

    Dry eyes may also be an effect of dehydration. Staying hydrated by drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily can prevent dehydration, as well as the effects that come along with it including dry eyes.

  • Use Artificial Tears or Eye Drops.

    Using eye drops or artificial tears can help lubricate and moisturize your eyes. But remember to consult your eye doctor or a provider of eye care in Elmhurst, New York before purchasing or using them!

  • Seek Help.

    Dry eyes can be a symptom of something much more serious, so to attain relief, as well as to know its underlying causes, seeking help and eye care in New York from trusted professionals would be the best option.

For treatment for dry eyes, please feel free to visit Visual Ophthalmology Services, P.C.,or dial 718-204-6667.

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